Thursday 5 May 2011

The Final Western Animation

My Actual Actual FINAL animation I am so pleased with because with all the stress and all the drama payed off because in the end I did enjoy making it. This module has really opened my eyes to how preparation and organisation is key. From the beginning I had a plan for each week and what had to be done so that I didn't leave it all till the last minute as I have done In other modules. I new that I was going to have difficulty with after effects but with the two drop in days I had the support I needed and I am slowly getting used to it. I have learnt so much from this module from the basic to the complicated and have a belief in my self that I can push myself to create good things. If I was to do it all over again I would make it longer and maybe add a gun shot and some smoke and maybe change the music. I think my animation works well because you can see the effort and work that has gone into it.

A Nearly Finished Final Piece

This is my animation almost finished with the audio missing and the end not being how I wanted it I want something that will really hit home that it is a Western. I have used after effects to change the colour of the video as the camera I used made it difficult to have everything the same. I have also cut everything so that it is a complete animation not two seperate ones using the time line. I also used opacity, graph editor, parenting, colour correction and colur stabilizer and a lot of other things.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Original Stop Motion Films Before After Effects

My Original stop motion animation the first one hasn't uploaded very well I don't no why though What I shot in the first sequence was a bit to much like a theatre there wasn't enough diffrernt angles and view points so I went back into the stop motion room.

I was more precise with angles and was following my storyboard which I sidlined a lot in the first film and with me integrating them together I will have the sequence that was my storyboard.

My Action Figure Cowboys

The cowboy figures that were the thorn in my side for some reason I thought that getting cowboy toys would be easy ohhhh how wrong I was!!!! I looked on ebay I looked on all american sites possible and nobody had what I was looking for none at all.
I went to places like early learning centre toys 'r' us Charity shops, Argos all over every toy shop. 

I even had the family asking other friends with children to see if they had any cowboy figures but it seems that with the decline in films had seen a decline in action figures. I did find one on ebay but when it arrived it turned out to be a 12"inch cowboy doll which the seller had forgot to mention.

Eventually I found Jim Ross a old WWF wrestling figure in my loft which sort of resembled a cowboy and I remembered that my cousin had the same figure. So in the end I had them all along but altered them a little bit. 

I drew a beard on one, made a waistcoat, a poncho and paited one of the hats to make them different in the end they were perfect for what I needed them for.